My summer vacation
I had a very exciting summer vacation! I go back to my home town Toyama about one month.
In Toyama I met many friends such friends from high school. I was so happy to met many friends and talk about many things. I went to the sea, shopping, festival, driving, hot spring, pool, alumni association firework and so on. I went to so many places in Toyama.
And I had two part time jobs in Toyama. One is cleaning hotel room and bed making. This part-time job is very hard. Because I had to finish clean 12 rooms among 4.5 hour. When this job finished, I suffer from backache. The other is cashier of convenience store. This job is very easy and fun. I earn 150,000 among one month and I bought new PC. Above all I was so happy to meet my family. I like my family! I taught English and math to my brother who is junior high school student and my sister who is elementary school student. I thought my mother’s cuisine is very delicious. I feel great of my mother. In my surprise Toyama is very cool than Aichi so I did not use air conditioner and if I open the window I caught a cold and because of country, I could see the many beautiful stars in the sky.
When I returned to Aichi, I hung out friends of university. I went to shopping, dinner, bar, saw movie and so on. I work very hard in Aichi too. I want to buy bed and table and carpet. Recently I went to dinner and karaoke with coworker. We eat motsu nabe. It is very delicious. The most interesting thing is drink with my class mate. It was very warm up! I had a good summer vacation this summer★